There is a theme for this next decade that carries the words 2020 vision, clarity, focus, no longer distracted and healing. It is a decade of God's people entering into and operating from a place of rest. For many of us being focused and staying that way is a challenge. Not all of us are naturally good at it, nor are we good at organisation, planning and being disciplined. I want to introduce to you some challenges and tips to help us keep our focus and clarity. The coming year will see many of us healed and released into new ministries, assignments and purpose and we will need to learn some new skills to steward this well. FOCUSFocus is defined as something that is the centre of your interest or activity and the enemy would love nothing more than to take us completely off track, to waste our time and energy and divert us away from the path God has for us. Focus takes effort and discipline to stay the course until completion, and so it is important to have those skills that help us to persevere.
The Huffington Post states that 'Focus is so important because it is the gateway to all thinking: perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Without good focus, all aspects of your ability to think will suffer'. There are a number of things that interfere with all of these. Let's look at them. DISTRACTIONS - these are the things that take our attention away from our priorities. * The good ideas but not the God ideas. Working on the Ishmaels instead of waiting for the Rebekahs. This is why it is so important to listen closely and carefully for God's direction, not to run ahead, be resting in Him and waiting for Go! * Social Media - unless you're using it for a God purpose, keep it to a minimum. We all know how much of a time waster it can be. * Lack of boundaries - boundaries for your own behaviour and boundaries people cross with your time and energy. Not saying no when you should and taking on more than you have the time and energy for in a healthy way is a common devourer of focus. * Poor health - I personally know that when I am not eating sugar my brain is sharp and clear. Food has become so nutritionally deficient worldwide that we have got to the point where we owe it to ourselves to change our diets and eliminate as much processed food as possible. I mainly eat a whole food plant based diet. Without it I have aching joints, no stamina and foggy thinking, Stress is also a huge de-motivator. Poor diet contributes hugely to this. Seek God for the rhythm of life that you need to stay holistically healthy. Get some exercise everyday. We all know this stuff, but I truly believe that we need to mature in this area and start taking real responsibility for stewarding our minds and bodies well so we can carry out all that God asks us to be and do. * Not having decided ahead (checking in with God also) what our priorities are. If we don't know our priorities we are more easily swayed by the shiniest thing that comes our way. * Not knowing our values. If we don't know the bottom line with want to live our life by, we will be persuaded by the loudest voice around us, and before we know it we are involved in things we shouldn't be. LACK OF ORGANISATION Learn to prioritise, use a diary, keep a routine but be adaptable when necessary, diary time blocks to get things done, understand why you are doing things, put plans around the long term goals and assignments you have, be methodical, learn the administrative skills that you need, don't be lazy and stay committed. God will never give you tasks to complete if you're unwilling to learn the skills to complete it. Sometimes we have to learn as we go, but there is always some preparation you can do. There are many great articles on the net that can teach you the ins and outs of good organisation and planning. HEALING God is releasing healing like never before. So many of us have been stuck in cycles of pain, trauma and brokenness for so long, but he is coming now to set us free so we can move into new life and be released to partner with him for all he is calling us to do in the decade ahead. We have to partner with him though, do our part, and intentionally let go, cast off and break partnership with the bondages, old mindsets, or sins that have held us back. We must stop comparing ourselves with others, let God get to the root of our rotten mindsets and litany of lies and inferior ways of thinking that we have been believing and acting out of. Lies skew our perception of ourselves, others and situations. He is here now with deliverance as we have never experienced it before - quickly, suddenly and completely - but we have to be prepared to be vulnerable to the work of the Holy Spirit to help us be free. I would say that healing our soul is absolutely crucial at this time to enable us to move into our destiny and assignments. GOD IS GOING BEFORE US As we partner with him, spending time with him, listening, journaling/keeping notes, being obedient he is opening up the way for miracles, suddenlies, favor, connections and provision to come. Learn all you can about how the heavenly host (angels, men in white linen, 7 spirits of God, host of heaven) operate and how you can engage with them to assist you in fulfilling God's call upon your life. Learn to praise him in the challenges like you have never done before. When we take our eyes off the problems and put them on him then he can move! Watch your words. Declare and decree life. Don't gossip, stop speaking negatively. All of these things hinder the goodness of God manifesting in your life. He is bringing clarity for vision and future so get ready. Take notes! I was never one for journaling but I am going to have to be more disciplined about taking notes so I can see more clearly how the puzzle pieces fit together as he gives them to me. So get ready for focus, we're about to start a journey we've never been on before. If you have read all of this and want a little bit of help accessing good stuff to upskill you just get in touch with me and we can chat. There are also some good resources on my website and in my shop to help you, including Girls Best Year Yet, Get It Done Guilt Free and Activate Your Purpose. CLARITY, FOCUS, HEALING AND ADVENTURE are ours now!
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AuthorsFiona Dieleman Archives
December 2024