My heart's desire is to mentor and encourage God's women. God has graciously equipped me with a prophetic, apostolic, breakthrough anointing, but I like to think of myself as a life strategist with a toolbox God has given me that helps people to navigate life’s challenges and their journey with God. I do this through informal coaching and mentoring, my e-books, my Spirited Women Facebook group, phone and face to face conversations and prayer freedom sessions using modalities such as Liebusters and Emotional Recoding. There is nothing I like more than sitting down with another woman of God and being a part of her journey in even a small way.
I have been described as someone who paints possibilities and hope into people’s lives with my words and helps you to map out your pathway. I love practically helping you to implement God’s strategies, wisdom and principles into your daily life in a practical way that makes a difference in your journey. I love being able to connect people and people with resources. There is a bit of the teacher in me too, hence my e-books and blogs, and I really get a kick out of sharing what God's principles and precepts look like when you apply them to your life and I enjoy nothing more than working with a small group of motivated women in a workshop to bring them into a greater place of growth and destiny. Creating order out of chaos and releasing God's divine order into people's lives and places is also part of whom I'm equipped to be. My leadership and administration gifts come into play when I'm functioning in this arena. Past and PresentI have two grown daughters and one adorable 9-year old grandson, 2 year old grand-daughter, and 3 month old grandson. We live in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand, close to beaches and bush. We work from home co-owning a business in the transport industry for the last 11 years.
I have been a Kingdom believer for 30+ years; many of those in leadership in one form or another. My church family is the Coolstore in Te Puke where I am part of an oversight team building Kingdom in a fully Holy Spirit led fellowship. My career experience has included adult training, workshop designing and presentation, small group facilitation, administration, event management, sales and customer service. One of my passions has always been for personal development, which eventually led me to qualifying as a life coach. I am also a trained Liebuster (an inner healing modality), and a qualified Emotion/Body/Belief Code Practitioner. |
Endorsements‘I call Fiona my other mum! She’s been a solid rock in my life and I can’t thank her enough for all the wisdom she’s shared with me and for all the guidance I’ve received from her. She’s always spot on and always leave me inspired and excited. I can’t recommend Fiona enough. She’s amazing!’ Venessa Smart, Palmerston “I do not know how to put into words how great it is to have a mentor/life coach like Fiona. It has helped me move forward in each area of my life to keep it brief. I love having her to keep me accountable and stick to my goals. It has to be the best way to regularly self evaluate to get that constant drive and encouragement. I have learnt what success looks like in my life, how to get it and how to stick to it. I understand more of who I am, where my passion is and what to go after. Yeah I could write a novel. Thank you Fiona xxx Rachel, Tauranga |